Keysight / Agilent / HP 4145A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser Semiconductor Parameter Analyser HP_4145A 4145A TMG Test Equipment
Keysight / Agilent / HP

Keysight / Agilent / HP 4145A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser

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Keysight / Agilent / HP 4145A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser

• The 4155A offers four built-in medium-power source /monitor units (MPSMUs), two voltage source units (VSUs), and two voltage monitor units (VMUs). • Develops new process technologies and evaluates materials with measurements to 10 fA and 0.2 uV • Performs quasi-static capacitance measurements versus voltage measurements • Automatically extracts process parameters without manually manipulating screen markers • Measures leakage characteristics with ultra-low leakage SMUs • Automates device characterisation with integrated pulse generators and selector switches • Performs on-wafer reliability tests with built-in stressing modes • Performs point-and-click measurements with graphical user interface • Provides graphical data analysis capabilities with a Windows™ environment • Knob sweep function quickly verifies each probe is making proper contact • Stand-by mode eliminates the need for external power supplies • Triggering modes allow synchronised AC/DC measurements • IBASIC user functions allow data to be plotted and analysed
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