Telstra Wideband Testing and How we can help | TMG Test Equipment A guide to Telstra Wideband Testing, installation, commissioning and post-repair testing of fibre and data services. Bi-directional OTDR and Loss Testing.

Telstra Wideband Testing - How we can help

Telstra Wideband Testing

We are here to assist you in understanding the Telstra Wideband Testing requirements, providing specialised Test Equipment, Safety equipment, and Tools to perform works on Fibre and Data infrastructure and Networks for the Telstra Wideband contract.

Telstra Logo

TMG has supplied over million+ of solutions to Australia's Telecommunication Contractors for the Installation and Maintenance of Telstra Copper Telephone lines, ADSL & VDSL services, and FTTP (Fibre-to-the-Premises).

Page Contents

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What is Telstra Wideband?

Telstra Wideband is an umbrella of Telecommunication construction works undertaken by Australia's Contractors to deliver Telstra's products and services to their retail and wholesale business customers including Voice, Data and IP.

Optical fibre is utlised to deliver the "back bone" of most of Telstra's services, including providing the Backhauls ("data pipes") to Telstra's 4G and 5G mobile network, along with WAN Ethernet/Internet to Telstra's Business customers.

The types of construct works include, but not limited to;

  • Civil Work – Pit and Pipe Installation
  • Civil Work – Optical Fibre Cable Hauling
  • Equipment and Rack Installation at the Exchange and the Customer's Premises
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Telstra Wideband - Fibre Testing

Fibre Acceptance Testing (up to 10kms)

Bidirectional (2 way) OTDR testing

These tests must include testing at both 1550nm and 1625nm wavelengths, and in both directions from A->B and B->A.

Fibre Acceptance Testing is required following installation and/or repair

Test Required: OTDR Traces
Wavelengths: 1550nm 1625nm
Direction: Bidirectional (A->B and B->A)

Video  Bidirectional (2 way) OTDR testing using the VIAVI FibreComplete OTDR

Presented by Darren Harris (TMG), he will demonstrate how to use the VIAVI Fibre Complete OTDR to carry out different Bidirectional Tests required for Telstra Wideband such as Insertion Loss, Optical Return Loss and OTDR Traces.

You will learn how to set up the Instruments and store the results.

Link Commissioning Testing (up to 100kms)

Bidirectional (2 way) Insertion Loss (IL) testing

These tests must include testing the fibre at both 1310nm, 1550nm and (sometimes) 1625nm wavelengths, and in both directions from A->B and B->A.

Test Required: Insertion Loss
Wavelengths: 1310nm 1550nm (Sometimes 1625nm is also required)
Direction: Bidirectional (A->B and B->A)

Telstra recommends that if a single person is carrying out the test then Automatic Bidirectional Loss Testers should be used which has a Power Meter and Light Source to void repeated back and forth travel between sites.

Both the VIAVI MTS-4000 FibreComplete Platform and the Kingfisher KI73410nC Bidrectional Loss Tester will be able to perform these Automated Bidirectional Insertion Loss tests.

VIAVI MTS-4000 FibreComplete OTDR

Bidirectional OTDR and Insertion Loss Tester 1310/1550/1625nm


VIAVI LogoKingfisher KI73410nC
Kingfisher KI73410nC

Bidirectional Insertion Loss Tester 1310/1550/1625nm


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Telstra Wideband - Ethernet, SDH, PDH and IDSN Testing

Telstra's Networks connects Businesses and People utlising different Data Layer Transport Methods over Copper and Fibre, including;

  • Ethernet (GigE, 10GigE & 100GigE)
  • SDH (STM1 - STM64)
  • OTN
  • PDH (E1 to E4)
  • ISDN

VIAVI MTS-5800v2 Handheld Network Tester is an All-in-One tool that network technicians and engineers need to install, turn-up, and maintain their Ethernet, SDH, OTN, PDH and ISDN networks and services.

VIAVI MTS-5800 & SC4800

 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx

This platform helps field technicians test their networks faster and more accurately than ever before.

Be part of the VIAVI MTS-5800 revolution by owning the Number One 10GigE BERT Tester used by Telstra & Delivery Partners working on Telstra Wideband Network.

Key Features Include:

  • Simple set up - Ability to share setup configurations with Colleagues
  • Bluetooth & WIFI so results can be StrataSync to cloud
  • Smart Access Anywhere, remote support & easy access to results
  • Can be paired with another MTS-5800 or unit as a single unit with Loop Back
  • VIAVI OTDR & Fibre Inspection scope can be attached for complete solution
  • E1, PDH, SDH, Ethernet Testing
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Testing & Tools

In Telstra's Wideband Fibre Acceptance Testing, Bidirectional OTDR testing is performed using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) to characterise the optical link at both 1550nm and 1625nm wavelengths.

An OTDR sends thousands of pulses of light into a fibre at these wavelengths to create a Trace. This trace shows "events" in optical cable, relating to optical length, splice loss, and "macro bending".

So why test at both 1550nm and 1625nm wavelengths?
By comparing the Trace of the 1550nm and 1625nm this highlights macro bending. Macrobend loss refers to losses induced in bends in the fibre predominately caused when manipulating the physical fibre inside splice closures.

For more detailed information, we would recommend reading "Macrobend Detection Using an OTDR"

VIAVI MTS-4000 FibreComplete OTDR

The VIAVI MTS-4000 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx

Launch Leads - What are they and why are they used?

Launch leads are an essential accessory to be used with the OTDR when testing a Fibre Network.

The launch lead places the Fibre under test far enough from the connector of the OTDR to prevent any errors caused by a possible dead zone.

For Telstra a minimum of 1,000 metre Fibre Launch Lead must be used

Launch Lead image
1,000m Launch Lead, Singlemode

The PH Palden xxxxxxx is an ideal 1,000 m long launch lead with SC/A Singlemode connectors for your Telstra OTDR testing needs

VIAVI MTS-2000 Tri-band OTDR

The VIAVI MTS-2000 Tri-band OTDR includes 1310nm, 1550nm & 1625nm wavelengths to meet both NBN and Telstra OTDR fibre testing requirements.

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and Tools

Fibre End Face Inspection

90% of faults in the fibre network are caused by bad connections.

These bad connections are usually caused by a bad splice or a contaminated connector (fibre end face). It is vital; that the female and male side of all fibre connectors are cleaned and inspected - whether they are new or old fibre/connectors - before mating together or irreversible damage is caused causing more time and money to resolve.

VIAVI LogoVIAVI USB Fibre Inspection Probe
VIAVI P5000i USB Fibre Connector Face Inspection Microscope

The P5000i makes it fast and easy to certify that every connection in your network is clear and optimized

Easily connect to an OLP-87 PON Meter, MTS-2000 or MTS-4000 OTDR, HST-3000, ONX-580, ONX-620/630 or laptop/PC via USB without the need for any additional adapters.

VIAVI logoVIAVI USB Fibre Inspection Probe
VIAVI P5000i USB Fibre Connector Face Inspection Microscope

The P5000i makes it fast and easy to certify that every connection in your network is clear and optimized

Easily connect to an OLP-87 PON Meter, MTS-2000 or MTS-4000 OTDR, HST-3000, ONX-580, ONX-620/630 or laptop/PC via USB without the need for any additional adapters.

Video Series  Inspect Before You Connect ™ Training Videos
Inspect Before You Connect ™ Training Videos

This Video Series currently contains the following training videos:

⟹ Inspect Before You Connect Introduction
⟹ Proactive vs. Reactive Inspection
⟹ Importance of Inspecting BOTH Sides of a Connection
⟹ The Importance of Inspecting New Fibre Connectors
⟹ Cleaning Stick vs. a Clicker
⟹ Static Charge and Contamination
⟹ Understanding Fibre Cleaning Solvents
⟹ The Importance of Reliable Cleaning Tools
⟹ Understanding the IEC-61300-3-35 Standard
⟹ The Importance of Automated Pass/Fail Analysis for Fibre Inspection
⟹ The Importance of Documenting Fibre Inspection Results
⟹ The Importance of Investing in Inspection and Cleaning Today

These videos are presented by Tyler Vander Ploeg (VIAVI Solutions) and Brian Teague (MicroCare)

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and Tools

Fusion Splicing

Telstra's fibre network utlised both single core and ribbon fibre.

Whether you are splicing Ribbon Fibre or the de-ribbonised Fibre, it is important to choose a splicer with high accuracy (Low Insertion Loss) that is quick and easy to use.

Single Core Alignment Splicing

Sumitomo Type-71M Ribbon Fusion Splicer

Sumitomo Type-72C
High Definition Single Core Aligning Fusion Splicer

The Sumitomo 72C (pictured) uses the latest in technology to line up the fibre with precision and will out the splice in seconds.

Ribbon Splicing

Sumitomo Type-71M Ribbon Fusion Splicer

Sumitomo Type-71M
Mass Ribbon Fusion Splicer

The Sumitomo 71M Ribbon Splicer (pictured) is able to splice both ribbon and single core fibre.

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and Tools

Pipe & Cable Location

What lurks underground?

When commissioning and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure buried underground, Occupational Heath and Safety challenges occur.

Radiodetection Logo

Striking, or digging up essential services such as sewage, power (electricity), and other communication infrastructure can lead to VERY COSTLY remediation of damages, and in some instances DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY to workers

There are three primary purposes of Pipe & Cable Locating

  • Finding and locating buried services
  • Locating cable faults
  • Isolating cable hauling issues

Isolating Cable Hauling Issues

One of the most under-utilised features of a pipe & cable locator is finding and isolating blockages when cable hauling. When you are in the situation whereby you are unable to clear the blockage with your heavy duty rodder

By using a Rodder with a Tracer Wire connected to the Radiodetection Transmitter (and reeled to the blockage within the conduit) you can then use your receiver to find the end of the rodder which determines where the blockage is exactly.... saves you digging unnecessary holes to clear the blockage.

Not sure which locator suits your needs?
Man wondering which Locator to use
Video Series  Radiodetection Pipe & Cable Locator Information and Training
This playlist currently contains the following training videos:
  • Understanding Current Direction on the RD8100 Cable & Pipe Locator
  • TMG Video - Radiodection CAT4 & Genny4 Introduction
  • Understanding Antenna Modes on the RD8100 cable and pipe locator
  • Connecting leads to the Radiodetection TX-10 transmitter
  • C.A.T Manager Online
  • How to locate streetlighting cables using the C.A.T4 Cable Avoidance Tool and Genny4
  • RD8100 & RD7100 cable and pipe locators - Getting started
  • RD8100 & RD7100 cable and pipe locators - Getting started
  • RD8100 cable and pipe locator- Menu overview
  • RD8100 cable and pipe locator & Tx Transmitter Direct Connection
  • Tx Transmitter - Getting started overview
  • Tx Transmitter - Menu overview
  • RD1500 Ground Penetrating Radar Overview
  • Radiodetection Omni Marker II
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Reasons to choose TMG & Contractor Essentials


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If you need further information or looking to purchase or rent, please contact us online via our messaging system, or call our team on 1800 680 680  Happy to help!

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