Rohde & Schwarz TS7180 Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production RS_TS7180 TS7180 TMG Test Equipment
Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz TS7180 Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production

Rohde & Schwarz TS7180 Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production
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Rohde & Schwarz TS7180 Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production

  • Reduction of development time
  • Use of standard solutions
  • Low-cost system ideal for mass production and service
  • Multiprotocol, multiband Radio Communication Tester R&S® CMU200 combines all common mobile radio standards in a single unit
  • Easy programming of R&S® CMU200 due to GTSL (generic test software library)
  • Multiprotocol test capability for one DUT with one test system (handover)
  • Library concept allows integration into any production test software
  • Customer libraries can be added
  • Simultaneous, asynchronous testing of two DUTs
  • Automatic RF and audio path compensation
  • Software runs on R&S® TS7180 and R&S® TS7100 test systems and on PC
  • Powerful TestStand design tool for test sequence generation
  • Database interfaces and report generation
  • Executable sequences for final testing and path compensation
  • Simple operator interface (GTOP) for fully automatic test sequence runs in production
  • Fixture concept covering antenna and acoustic tests
  • Worldwide support by system support centers in Asia, Europe and the U.S.
High yield through parallel testing

To test two mobile phones simultaneously, all components (R&S CMU200, power supply, plug-in boards) must be provided in duplicate. Also, two IEC/IEEE bus systems must be available to ensure that the two channels are operated independently and without mutually affecting each other while offering optimal performance and simple operation. The devices on the IEC/IEEE bus are driven simultaneously by a system controller in multitasking mode under Windows2000.

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