Video  |  VIAVI ONX DSL Copper Tests Overview - TMG Test Equipment
VIAVI ONX DSL Copper Tests Overview - TMG Test Equipment

This video is an introduction to the copper testing functionality of the VIAVI ONX DSL Platform. It is best suited for beginners and those looking to have an overview of the functionality of the Next Generation VIAVI platform.

VIAVI (formerly JDSU) have released their Next Generation platform in Australia, the VIAVI ONX (One Expert) and it has begun to take the industry by storm.

The ONX video series is our way of continuing our commitment to providing the very best in technical support for our valued customers.

Further videos will be added to this series in the future so make sure to subscribe for the latest videos!

The VIAVI ONX platform is used and highly recommended by copper telecommunications contractors here in Australia.

For additional product information and support, please visit:

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